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Mon 7:33 PM : now playing:  Background Music
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WMBR Special Events Calendar This Month

Tuxis Giant Performs Live on WMBR's Breakfast of Champions Program

Was aired on the program: Monday, May 28, 2018
8:00am - 10:00am

Matt O'Connor of Tuxis Giant will be joining Caitlin on today's BOC to start off WMBR's summer season with a live solo set! Tuxis Giant is a local band which recently released a wonderful new album, Here Comes the Wolf. They also have a couple of upcoming shows in the area. The live set will begin at around 9:20, shortly after the daily concert report, and will be followed by a short interview.

Location: 88.1 FM

For more information about this event, contact:

Visit: https://wmbr.org/boc

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